What’s Next?: Living with Intention

Living with Intention

I don’t know about you, but for the last month I’ve been bumping into the word “intention” over and over again. Maybe it’s one of those things that the more I think about it, hear it, or read it, the more I notice it.

Maybe it was always there, but now is the time to listen. So I’m going to follow Elizabeth Gilbert’s advice and pay attention to this one. That’s what she said that she does when she’s torn in so many directions about projects, choices, how to spend her time, and what to focus on. She pays attention and figures out which one thing keeps tapping her on the shoulder the hardest, and that’s the direction she chooses. Or something like that. I’m sure she said it in a more clever way. 

I feel like this spring was the time to jump and this fall is the time to listen. To think. To set aside time and figure out in concrete terms what I want to get out of my business. Not what services I can offer, but what services I want to offer. Then I need to revamp my business website to reflect that. Right now it’s not clear enough. That’s where the class I’m taking this week comes in. 

I’d love to hear from some of you that have been here or are here in your professional life. No one wants to figure everything out alone! What challenges have you faced in determining your direction for your business or career? Was there some piece of advice that really stood out to you that helped you create your path? Let’s talk about it and learn from each other. Just because I can’t meet you for coffee doesn’t mean we can’t hang out. :) xo