You’re My Obsession: Sofia Coppola + A Marie Antoinette Style Cake Fight

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Some of you who are new to Inward Facing Girl might not know about my obsession with Sofia Coppola and just how deep it runs. What I love about her so much, besides her incredible sense of style and borderless creativity, is that she has the talent of taking a feeling, emotion, or state of being and turning it into concrete images, words, and music. She creates moods.

Kirsten Dunst as Marie Antoinette

If you’re just looking at the bare bones story of a Sofia Coppola film, you might not think there’s much to her work. But next time you see one of her movies, instead of primarily focusing on the analytical “what’s going on” side of the movie give yourself permission to see what the film feels like.

Kirsten Dunst as Marie Antoinette

These photos make me feel like I want pink cake in my mouth.

Fun fact from IMDb:

When Marie Antoinette is going through her shoes while preparing for a big party you see a pair of blue Converse All Star 1923 Chuck Taylor basketball shoes for about one and a half seconds. While these shoes were definitely not in existence at the time of Marie Antoinette, their inclusion in the film was intentional, to portray Marie Antoinette as a typical teenage girl despite the time she lived in.”

Just recently I ran across this video for Lightworks by Acid Girls and it made me think about how much fun it was to watch Marie Antoinette. Then I saw these awesome photographs by Caesar Sebastian that were taken at the shoot.

Even the behind-the-scenes shots were great.

Now watch it in motion.

[vimeo w=640&h=272]

And guess what? Drew still hasn’t seen Marie Antoinette. We’re going to have to have a viewing party soon. Who’s bringing the Laduree macarons?

Video Credits:

Director: Steven Ilous

DP: Jonathon Narducci

Producers: Louise Lynch, Steven Ilous

Associate Producers: Daniel Shapiro, Scott Gralnick

Key Hair & Makeup: Valerie B. 

Costume Designer & Stylist: Bryan Hearns

Cakes and Desserts: Jamaica Cakes

Label: Scion Audio/Visual / IHEARTCOMIX

For the latest info on the video go to: