An Italian Honeymoon: Positano

Positano was the Amalfi Coast spot I was looking forward to visiting most of all. I had been using photos of the cliffside buildings and beautiful blue Mediterranean as my desktop wallpaper forever. I was finally going to see this view.

But first…Anger.

You guys, traveling is a lot of fun, but it can also be really stressful. Trying to get around when you don’t know the language well enough can be challenging, even when there are people around who also speak English. Trying to do simple tasks like buy stamps to mail postcards, figure out the bus schedule, and other mundane stuff like that can bring snappiness into the most beautiful places in the world.

It’s hard to remember exactly why we were arguing. You know, I’ve slept and expelled an infant out of my body since then but luckily for all of us I dug through a box this week and found a bunch of old journals, including my travelogue from Italy.

Note to self, based on travel journal: Maybe I would have fared better figuring out the bus schedules if I hadn’t been practicing these phrases in Italian on the flight over: “Excuse me, I would like a time machine please.” “Can I build a fire here?” “Thank you, the time machine is perfect.”

I’m fun to travel with.

I found out that our lovers quarrel had something to do with the post office and directions and miscommunication. Boring travel stuff.


It took a little while and a long walk down winding staircase streets, but we got over it. Time to explore shops full of ceramics, coral jewelry, and gauzy beachwear, then a light lunch and wine, alfresco, at La Zagara.

After lunch we strolled down more steps and went inside the church of Santa Maria Assunta located in the Flavio Gioia square. You can see the dome on the bottom right in the photo above. I think this is the only church that we actually went inside of on our trip, and we saw a LOT of churches. It was so quiet and peaceful inside. I took a moment for myself and sat down on a pew in the back of the room and said silent prayers of gratitude, and requests for patience and ease of communication.

Time to hit the beach and dip our toes into the Mediterranean! And of course follow it up with cappuccino and cake before we hike back up that tall, gorgeous, cliffside town.


I hope you enjoyed our trip to Positano. Next Friday we’re going to Florence! Or Firenze. If you missed a post in the An Italian Honeymoon series, you can catch up here.